Maximize Summertime Marketing Efforts – AvidMobile Updates
Get the most from your summertime marketing efforts.
Warm weather is here and it’s time to drive more business with some summertime marketing. We’re kicking it off by launching two exciting new features! The AvidMobile team has two new upgrades that will make it even easier for you to sign up and train your new clients!
Clone Hosted Signup Pages
We’ve added the ability to clone your existing hosted signup pages. This makes it easy to create a template for all your Hosted Sign Up pages and clone them and set specific plan parameters. To clone a page simply click the clone icon to get started.
Onboarding Tutorial
In less than 3 minutes this guided tutorial will show your clients how to create a basic SMS marketing campaign. Highlights include creating a Keyword, opting-in, viewing their mobile number in the database, and sending out a campaign. After all, their audience wants to hear from them, don’t keep them waiting.
Check out the Onboarding Tutorial for yourself. Use the yellow toolbar in your reseller account to launch it.
Before you go …
We’ve got two more things we want to share with you. First, we’ve improved our Growth Calculations to speed up load time for the dashboard inside your account. Secondly, we’ve updated the Activity feed to provide better information. Now it will let you know the name of the Kiosk, Vcard, or Loyalty Program that was used to opt-in the member.
We are committed to make further improvements as well as adding new features to your account. Stay tuned as more will be coming your way soon.