Features to Look for in a Phone Blast Service
The term phone blast is applied to define a recorded voice message delivered to a set of phone numbers through an automated system. An individual or a company can make a phone number list and utilize a phone blast system to send important messages quickly to those numbers. A phone blast service system eradicates the necessity to text or call multiple people manually and repeatedly send similar messages. Businesses and organizations can also use a phone blast system in place of a traditional phone tree since it is a more reliable and more straightforward solution for delivering vital messages.
A phone blast service is often used in the retail industry. Delivering a text message blast has been known as the most helpful way to connect with customers, increase purchasing intent and raise brand awareness for businesses.
On the outskirts of the retail industry, various organizations use the blast system services to interact with their members. Many people received a text blaster from their political party, church, football team, or even their employer.
What features to look for in a Phone Blast Service
Regardless of the software applications businesses and organizations use, they probably know that each application has differences and some offer better service than the other. The top mobile marketing software possesses particular features that can create a more effortless, cheaper, and effective mobile marketing experience. The most important features you should look for in a phone blast service are the following:
For future messages, the phone blast service lets your previous messages be set as templates. Templates will keep the company valuable time composing identical messages numerous times if you operate repetitive campaigns.

Multimedia Files
This feature lets you replace – or complement – direct SMS with multimedia files like audio, image, and video will help escalate the impact of the notes. Just like what the famous saying stated, a simple picture is worth a thousand words.”

Contact Segmentation
This feature lets you divide the company’s contact list into groups. By sending a text message blast coming from a computer to only those for whom it is considered relevant, the business firm prevents “wastage” and decreases its marketing expenses.

Tiny URLs
This option lets you include tiny URLs into the firm’s text messages or attach QR codes and digital coupons. When joined to a text blast, the redemption rate of digital coupons can raise up to 8 times more than when connected to an email.

It is the feature that lets you personalize your messages with the recipients’ names and the company’s text messages. This distinct feature supports expanding brand awareness and building relationships between the recipient and the organization.

By far, the most preferred way to deliver a text blast is through SMS technology. Because 98 percent of the population has the technology necessary to receive an SMS text blast, it is the most brilliant way to reach everyone.