Mobile Coupons for Restaurants

Mobile coupons continue to astound restaurant owners, CMO’s, and Marketing directors in terms of the Return on Investment (ROI) that they produce. When SMS mobile coupon redemption rates average over 1.5% there is definitely something to cheer about within the industry. As more and more restaurant groups look at various loyalty marketing campaigns, apps, and loyalty programs many are missing the boat. These restaurants could be using a simple SMS database building program and leverage their growing databases by sending them SMS mobile coupons at will.
These SMS programs are incredibly simple. A restaurant can easily create a mobile coupon, valid for the next visit, and use this as an incentive to get their current customers to opt-in to the SMS database. These customers can opt-in by texting a keyword into a short code or by typing their mobile number into a tablet. Even restaurants that have call-in orders can build SMS campaigns that use SMS order confirmations that then turn into an opt-in via text message.
A restaurant running the right type of campaign can easily generate 20-25 new opt-ins per day per location into their databases. Often times databases reach 2,500 or more per location fairly quickly. These databases can now be sent text message coupons 2 or 3 times per month in order to drive additional transactions and visits. Revenue produced off of these kinds of campaigns can often lead to hundreds if not thousands of dollars per month of additional top-line revenue.
Some restaurants use mobile coupon tools to create what is essentially their own deal-of-the-day, all without having to pay the deal-of-the-day fees or lose out on the revenue produced from the transactions.
Have a restaurant and want to see how the tools could work for you, get a trial account today or call us 1-877-511-6624.