Why use international texting apps?

Sending international text messages can be very expensive. If you are not careful, they can lead to an astronomical increase in your bills. It’s a good thing that there are plenty of international texting apps and websites that offer services for free. This means you can still keep in touch with your family and friend living in other countries without harming your bank account.
The different international text messaging apps and websites allow you to send international texts without the need to use your roaming. To avoid unexpected charges, put your phone on Flight/Airplane mode or turn off your mobile data provider when leaving your country. It’s best to use Wi-Fi instead and download apps that offer international texting services.
Remember, that these services are often not suited for messaging from your business. If your business needs to send SMS internationally, we can help.
Texting an international number
The costs of sending international text messages using your carrier data plan vary from service provider to another. Charges might be double when you send and receive international messages. It’s best to remember this every time you send text messages the “old-school” way. It’s a straightforward process similar to a voice call. When using your phone’s Messaging app, you need to type your country’s existing country code, then the mobile number you want to text, write your message, then press Send.

Aside from being a costly option, the classic texting system has flaws as well. There are cases where users sending texts from the US to Europe or vice versa reports that their messages don’t go through. Usually, this happens when the two data carriers are not compatible. The reason behind it is that the US utilizes CDMA technology while most of the world uses GSM. In case your messages do not go through, it’s best to call your carrier and ask about the issue.
Most popular international texting apps
1. WhatsApp
This international text messaging app is compatible with iPhone, Android, and Blackberry with Wi-Fi. This app lets users send text, images, and videos. It’s an efficient app, but users can only send messages to users with WhatsApp installed on their mobile devices. More importantly, this app only works when connected to the internet and can’t contact people offline.

2. Viber
This messaging app allows users to text or call anyone who’s a Viber user as well. Users can contact Viber users in any part of the world without spending a single penny for charges. The app integrates seamlessly with existing address books. It also very easy to use and has excellent sound quality. However, Viber crunches through the user’s data plan and can only contact online Viber users.

3. Skype or Google Voice
These apps offer international texting for Android and iPhone mobile devices. It requires a data connection to send and receive texts internationally.

If you’re looking for something that can help you avoid going over your data plan’s limit, then international texting apps are the answer. It can help you save money on pay-per-text plans.