Mobile Coupons
Build Mobile Coupons and send them to your customers to drive extra revenue each month!

Building your database is always the first step. What better way to provide incentive to your customer base to opt-in to your text message marketing campaigns than to offer them a coupon that you send right to their phone? They either text a keyword to a short code or enter their mobile number on a kiosk or Web Optin Form. The customer receives the text message and clicks the link to view their coupon. Once they have received the coupon, they are opted into your marketing database and can now receive future SMS messages.
Creating a message to send to 100, 10,000, or even 1 million SMS opt-in subscribers has never been easier. Use the interface to create the message you want, add an image, your offer, your expiration dates, the terms and conditions, and the coupon code and schedule it to be sent out now or the exact moment you desire in the future.

A Mobile Coupon can be added to any of the Keywords you create. Keywords are already powerful tools for building your optin groups. Adding a Mobile Coupon to your Keyword makes it even more powerful.
Customer Experience
It has never been easier for you to send coupons to your customers and track the redemptions. You can use Mobile Coupons to help build your database of customers that have opted in to receive text messages from your business. You can also send coupons to help drive additional foot traffic. For the customer, it is an easy 3 step process.
Receive the Mobile Coupon
You can send the Mobile Coupon to your customer with a Campaign or they can interact with one of your Keywords from any of your marketing materials.
Open the Mobile Coupon
In that text message, there is a link to the One-time redeemable Mobile Coupon. A simple click opens up the Coupon in a web browser on their phone. No need to download any extra apps.
Redeem the Mobile Coupon
When instructed, a click of the Redeem button prompts them to confirm the One-time Redemption.
Safe One-time Redemption!
The Mobile Coupons come with safe One-time Redemption technology. If they try to use it again, we display the redeemed coupon instead of the original.
Our robust mobile marketing platform is resold and white labeled for agencies, media companies, entrepreneurs and more. Download our pricing guide here.